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Our research

From the point of view of literary studies, our research activities seek to renovate the canon by focusing on authors and works that have often been excluded from the realm of high culture, belonging as they do to minority cultures and/or the avant-garde, which traditional literary criticism has been reluctant to study in depth. In particular, we analyze the literary and social significance of performative texts through the lens of race and gender, two terms meant as social constructions pointing to the awareness of social inequalities that must be investigated and addressed through, among other policies, transformative cultural processes.


With the aim of contributing to this much-needed cultural transformation, the main feature of our project lies in its creatively concrete vocation and social commitment: given the peculiarity of the objects of our research—texts with a distinctly performative quality—we will encourage the organization of performative events involving students in higher education, local cultural institutions and the general public in the spirit of the “Third Mission” of Italian Universities.

PRIN 2022 project code: 2022H8SZ92.

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